*vital-process.txt* Utilities for process. Maintainer: tyru ============================================================================== CONTENTS *Vital.Process-contents* INTRODUCTION |Vital.Process-introduction| INTERFACE |Vital.Process-interface| Functions |Vital.Process-functions| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *Vital.Process-introduction* *Vital.Process* provides utility functions which manipulates process. ============================================================================== INTERFACE *Vital.Process-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *Vital.Process-functions* spawn({command} [, {special}]) *Vital.Process.spawn()* {command} is |List| or |String| to run as background process. This function returns nothing. If {command} is |String| and {special} was given and non-zero, escape special characters. See |shellescape()|'s {special} argument for the details. iconv({expr}, {from}, {to}) *Vital.Process.iconv()* |iconv()| wrapper for safety. Built-in |iconv()| returns an empty string when the conversion completely fails. But this function won't return an original string not an empty string when failure. has_vimproc() *Vital.Process.has_vimproc()* Returns non-zero if |vimproc| is installed, zero otherwise. You can download the |vimproc| from https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim. *Vital.Process.system()* system({command} [, {input} [, {timeout}]]) system({command} [, {dict}]) Gets the output of the shell command {expr}. This function calls |vimproc#system()| if |has_vimproc()| returns non-zero, otherwise |system()|. If {timeout} is specified, the command will be killed after {timeout} milliseconds. Note that {timeout} is available only when |has_vimproc()| returns non-zero. When the 2nd argument is Dictionary, you can specify more options. {dict} structure is: > {dict} = { use_vimproc: bool, input: string, timeout: bool, background: bool, } get_last_status() *Vital.Process.get_last_status()* Returns the result of the last shell command either via |vimproc| or not. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2mM:ts=8:ft=help:norl