*vital-prelude.txt* crucial functions Maintainer: ujihisa ============================================================================== CONTENTS *Vital.Prelude-contents* INTRODUCTION |Vital.Prelude-introduction| INTERFACE |Vital.Prelude-interface| Functions |Vital.Prelude-functions| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *Vital.Prelude-introduction* *Vital.Prelude* is a module for basic functions in Vim script. NOTE: Some Vital modules implicitly depend on Prelude, because this was used to be a special module that you could use anywhere without having to explicitly import. functions: See #140 for the details (Japanese). https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim/issues/140 ============================================================================== INTERFACE *Vital.Prelude-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *Vital.Prelude-functions* glob({expr}) *Vital.Prelude.glob()* A |glob()| wrapper which returns List and 'wildignore' does not affect this function's return value. globpath({path}, {expr}) *Vital.Prelude.globpath()* globpath() wrapper which returns List and 'suffixes' and 'wildignore' does not affect this function's return value. is_numeric({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_numeric()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a |Number| or a |Float|, zero otherwise. Examples: > :let s:V = vital#of('vital') :let s:P = s:V.import('Prelude') :echo s:P.is_numeric(123) < 1 > :echo s:P.is_numeric(1.23) < 1 > :echo s:P.is_numeric("hoge") < 0 is_number({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_number()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a |Number|, zero otherwise. Examples: > :let s:V = vital#of('vital') :let s:P = s:V.import('Prelude') :echo s:P.is_number(123) < 1 > :echo s:P.is_number(1.23) < 0 > :echo s:P.is_number("hoge") < 0 is_float({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_float()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a |Float|, zero otherwise. Examples: > :let s:V = vital#of('vital') :let s:P = s:V.import('Prelude') :echo s:P.is_float(123) < 0 > :echo s:P.is_float(1.23) < 1 > :echo s:P.is_float("hoge") < 0 is_string({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_string()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a String (|expr-string|), zero otherwise. is_funcref({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_funcref()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a |Funcref|, zero otherwise. is_list({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_list()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a |List|, zero otherwise. is_dict({value}) *Vital.Prelude.is_dict()* Returns non-zero if {value} is a |Dictionary|, zero otherwise. *Vital.Prelude.truncate_skipping()* truncate_skipping({str}, {max}, {footer-width}, {separator}) This function is deprecated. Please use |Vital.Data.String.truncate_skipping()| instead. truncate({str}, {width}) *Vital.Prelude.truncate()* This function is deprecated. Please use |Vital.Data.String.truncate()| instead. strwidthpart({str}, {width}) *Vital.Prelude.strwidthpart()* This function is deprecated. Please use |Vital.Data.String.strwidthpart()| instead. strwidthpart_reverse({str}, {width}) *Vital.Prelude.strwidthpart_reverse()* This function is deprecated. Please use |Vital.Data.String.strwidthpart_reverse()| instead. wcswidth({str}) *Vital.Prelude.wcswidth()* This function is deprecated. Please use |Vital.Data.String.wcswidth()| instead. is_windows() *Vital.Prelude.is_windows()* Returns non-zero if Vim is a MS-Windows version, zero otherwise. Note that this returns zero if Vim is a Cygwin version. is_cygwin() *Vital.Prelude.is_cygwin()* Returns non-zero if Vim is a Cygwin version, zero otherwise. is_mac() *Vital.Prelude.is_mac()* Returns non-zero if Vim is a Macintosh version, zero otherwise. is_unix() *Vital.Prelude.is_unix()* Returns non-zero if Vim is a MS-Windows version, zero otherwise. Note that this returns non-zero if Vim is a Cygwin version. smart_execute_command({action}, {word}) *Vital.Prelude.smart_execute_command()* Like a combination of |printf()| and |:execute|. > let x = 123 call smart_execute_command('echo', x) < becomes > execute 'echo' 123 < escape_file_searching({str}) *Vital.Prelude.escape_file_searching()* TODO escape_pattern({str}) *Vital.Prelude.escape_pattern()* TODO getchar(...) *Vital.Prelude.getchar()* This is like builtin |getchar()| but always returns string. getchar_safe(...) *Vital.Prelude.getchar_safe()* This is like builtin |getchar()| but always returns string, and also does |inputsave()|/|inputrestore()| before/after |getchar()|. input_safe(...) *Vital.Prelude.input_safe()* Like builtin getchar() but do |inputsave()|/|inputrestore()| before/after |input()|. input_helper({funcname}, {args}) *Vital.Prelude.input_helper()* Do |inputsave()|/|inputrestore()| before/after calling |a:funcname|. set_default({var}, {val}) *Vital.Prelude.set_default()* Assign a {val} to a variable which name is {var} if the {var} is undefined. Even if the {var} is already defined, if the type of {val} is different to the value of {var}, it'll assign anyways. For example, > " not exactly same! call set_default('g:aaa', 'bbb') < Is similar to > " not exactly same! let g:aaa = get(g:, 'aaa', 'bbb') < But not exactly same when the type of aaa is not |expr-string|. *Vital.Prelude.substitute_path_separator()* substitute_path_separator({path}) TODO > echo V.substitute_path_separator('a/b/c') < is same to > echo 'a/b/c' < in most cases but only on Windows it is same to the following. > echo 'a\\b\\c' < path2directory({path}) *Vital.Prelude.path2directory()* TODO > P.path2directory('a/b/c.txt') < is equivalent to > P.substitute_path_separator(fnamemodify('a/b/c.txt', ':p:h')) < and > P.path2directory('a/b/d') " d is a directory < is equivalent to > P.substitute_path_separator('a/b/d') < *Vital.Prelude.path2project_directory()* path2project_directory({path}[, {is_allow_empty}]) Look up project root path and return it. Project root = or VCS directory = The directory which has ".git" or ".bzr" or ".hg" or ".svn" Project directory = The directory which has "build.xml" or "prj.el" or ".project" or "pom.xml" or "package.json" or "Makefile" or "configure" or "Rakefile" or "NAnt.build" or "P4CONFIG" or "tags" or "gtags" After failing looking up directory, And if {is_allow_empty} was given and non-zero, returns {path} which is: 1. Full Path 2. On MS Windows, all path separator is replaced by '/' Otherwise, empty string was returned. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2mM:ts=8:ft=help:norl